Building Rentals
244 McMahon Avenue is ideal for holding a meeting, class, recital, concert, or ceremony. We are conveniently located in the centre of Kingston, nearby to Princess Street and Sir John A McDonald Boulevard, with parking available onsite. The main floor of the building is fully accessible, including the washroom.
Please continue reading for information about available rooms to rent, room details, how to book a room, terms, conditions, and methods of payment, as well as long-term rentals and lease spaces.
Available Rooms
Main Hall
$300 for 4 hours, $500 for 8 hours.
Community Hall
$150 per 4 hours.
How to Book a Room
Contact the rental coordinator by e-mail at roomrental@kuf.ca, stating your name, e-mail address, and what sort of event(s) you want to hold.
The coordinator will respond to your inquiry with information about room availability and answer any questions you may have. A tour of the building can be scheduled during regular administrative office hours (currently 2-6pm Thursdays).
Room Details
All rentals are booked in either 4 hour or 8 hour blocks – rentals can of course use less than their full block of time, but all rentals will be charged either the 4 or 8 hour rate.
For ongoing/weekly rentals, please contact the rental coordinator for more information, as rates are negotiated on a case-by-case basis.
Main Hall
$300 for 4 hours, $500 for 8 hours.
Main Hall with chairs
Main Hall without chairs
The Main Hall measures approximately 1500 square feet, with chairs that can be removed or rearranged as necessary. An additional $50 is charged for use of sound system if you need it.
Student Music Recitals will be offered a reduced rate. This is a decision of the KUF community to support the Kingston music community by offering the beautiful space and grand piano at a rate we hope is affordable for music teachers while covering our costs. [$200 for 8 hours, plus the sound system if desired.]
Community Hall
$150 per 4 hours.
The Community Hall is on the upper floor of our building, and is approximately 950 square feet.
Community Hall
Terms, Conditions, and Methods of Payment
In addition to the rental fee, a security deposit of $30 is required to hold a booking. If you leave the space as you found it – clean, neat, and no garbage or recycling left behind, then we will return or not process the security deposit. If a janitor is needed to clean up, then the security deposit will not be returned.
In the event of a cancellation, renters are required to provide KUF with at least 72 hours notice in order to be refunded their desposit.
Payments may be made with cheques, cash or by e-transfer. E-transfers for deposits must be made no more than 30 days prior to the event, since e-transfers expire in 30 days. Payments of rental fees may be made in advance or on the rental day by any of the methods listed.
Cheques should be mailed to:
Kingston Unitarian Fellowship
244 McMahon Ave, Kingston ON. K7M 3H2
For e-transfer payments, email to payments@kuf.ca
For any/all rentals, please note:
We are open for minimal impact rentals like meetings, classes, special events, or ceremonies.
Events for people ages 18+ and their families are welcome. (We have found that cleaning requirements for child-oriented events are too often prohibitive)
Our kitchen space is not equipped for proper commercial dish sanitization, so no food preparation can take place onsite. You can bring in prepared food, as long as you bring in your own dishes as well.
The Lower Level/RE space is not available for rentals
rentals do not come with any storage space/no storage space is available for renters
No alcohol is to be consumed on our premises and the premises are smoke-free.
KUF assumes no liability for rentals. Renters are encouraged to obtain their own event insurance as they are fully responsible for any liability arising from their event.