Lifespan Learning
Religious Exploration (RE)
Young people are highly valued: they are a central and important part of our life as a fellowship. The Religious Exploration Program for children and youth attempts to address the diverse needs and interests of young people. We feel we have much to offer. On most Sundays, the children and youth join with others for the beginning of the service. After the children’s story, young people move downstairs where they participate in a sharing time. Following this there is a variety of programming, usually organized by age categories.
In the recent past, our curriculum has offered the opportunity to explore many topics, including drama, the natural world and other religious traditions in our community. Our R.E. program also features “Coming of Age” programs to honour the transition from childhood to youth and the “Our Whole Lives” curriculum which recognizes and affirms that humans are spirit, mind and body together. For the youngest among us there is a nursery. Toddlers and other youngsters are welcome to enjoy blocks, toys and crafts with the supervision of an adult.
Highlights of a year in R.E. often include field trips to the Cataraqui Conservation Authority, Ottawa and other nearby destinations. Special services in the Spring, Fall and Winter months draw on the children’s creative participation and leadership. We welcome all children, youth, and their parents and care givers to explore any or all aspects of our Religious Exploration programs.
The Seven Principles (Children’s version)
Every person is important
We are kind to each other
We help each other learn
Each person searches for what is true
All people deserve a say in what happens
We work to build a fair and peaceful world
We care for the Earth and all creatures
Register for RE
We want to know all about you and your children! It is the policy of the Kingston Unitarian Fellowship (KUF) that all children and youth attending at least three times during the program year (Sept – June) or participating in a field trip be registered in Religious Exploration.
Please complete the registration form below to register your child for the Religious Exploration program at Kingston Unitarian Fellowship. Click submit at the end and you are done! Please contact us if you have any questions at re@kuf.ca.
About RE
Located on the first floor of our building, the RE space is an open concept design with spaces for everyone.
Infants (Ages 0-3): Parents/caregivers may choose to participate in the activities with the older children. Parents/caregivers are welcome to leave their infants with our Queen’s Work-Study Students and volunteers providing childcare. We follow a ratio of 1 adult to every 2 children under 2. There is a change station in the first floor bathroom just off the RE space.
Children (Ages 4-12): We are using the illustrated curriculum, designed to allow the children to learn about Unitarian Universalist principles, sources, and history through stories.
Youth (Ages 13-18): We have recently combined our Junior and Senior Youth Groups at KUF. The Youth Group model will be a blend as well, incorporating the freestyle Senior Youth way of sharing snacks from home, doing Joys and Concerns, playing games, and doing spiritual, political, and/or philosophical activities frequently led by the youth, with the Junior Youth style of curriculum based learning. Our Youth Group advisors are Cindy and Emily.
The Youth Group of KUF is a world apart from the chaos of high school, somewhere to retreat and recharge, to discuss and dance around, to celebrate and commiserate about matters personal and universal, where people care about the world and each other. Youth-empowerment focused, the Youth Group offers an opportunity for youth to develop their leadership skills by facilitating cool workshops, leading activities as well as participating in and hosting UU gatherings (cons).
Resources for Parents
Our Whole Lives (OWL)
Honest, accurate information about sexuality changes lives. It dismantles stereotypes and assumptions, builds self-acceptance and self-esteem, fosters healthy relationships, improves decision making, and has the potential to save lives. For these reasons and more, Kingston Unitarian Fellowship is proud to offer Our Whole Lives (OWL), a comprehensive, lifespan sexuality education curricula.
OWL programming will be offered once again in 2024 — if you are interested in registering your child(ren), learning more, or helping support this important work, please contact us at office@kuf.ca.
Young Adults
More information coming soon.