Who are we?

Kingston Unitarian Fellowship - KUF


The mission of the Kingston Unitarian Fellowship is for all those in the Kingston area who support Unitarian Universalist principles to join together in a caring community for the development of spiritual and personal growth, in a welcoming environment where all are respected and diversity is celebrated, as we strive to make our world a better place through our actions.

A Welcoming Congregation

The Welcoming Congregation program was developed for Unitarian Universalist congregations wanting to become more inclusive towards Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) people. The Kingston Unitarian Fellowship has been a Welcoming Congregation since 2004. For more information, visit the Welcoming Congregations page at the Canadian Unitarian Council.

Our Building and Accessibility

KUF recently moved to a new lovely building at 244 McMahon Ave, Kingston, in the Strathcona Park neighbourhood. We are working on making the building fully accessible, but this will take us some time. Access to the main worship space requires navigation of a few steps and crossing a raised threshold. Gender-neutral bathrooms are accessible on that main floor. The sunny children's programming space is down a flight of stairs, so not yet fully accessible, but if your child needs accommodations, please let us know and we'll work it out with you. The community hall where we gather for coffee and conversation after services is up a flight of stairs, but many of us linger on the first floor -- and we would be happy to bring you coffee or tea, however you take it, if the stairs are a barrier for you. Meanwhile, do know that we are committed to building modifications that will enable full accessibility.

The building is a fragrance-free zone for those with chemical sensitivities.

All speaking during services is via a microphone and hearing assistive devices are available. The services are also available on Zoom if you would like to join from your own home.

We acknowledge with gratitude that we gather together on traditional Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee territory. Many peoples have come together on these lands throughout their long history. In the spirit of gratitude we step into our gathered body, our individual work and community action, and into our larger lives. 

We offer gratitude that we live, work, and play on these beautiful lands; gratitude for the stewards of the land through it’s entire history; and gratitude for the knowledge that our thanks to all the peoples and lands of Turtle Island includes a commitment to being good stewards and good neighbours working together to create a more just and loving world. 

We invite you to join us!

Principles and Resources